On: toggle the effect of the light without removing the geometry from the scene.
Visible to Camera: specify whether the camera can see the light source geometry. If you have the light marked as 'On' and 'Visible to Camera' marked 'off' with the Iray+ renderer, a light will only be made invisible to primary eye rays - i.e., when viewed directly from the camera. However, any lights marked as not visible with the light still 'on' will still be visible in reflections, or through transparent materials, and will still cast shadows. When using the Iray+ Interactive renderer, the light will be invisible even in reflections or refractions.
Matte: control whether or not the light will directly illuminate matte objects in the scene. Enable this when creating lights that correspond to lights visible in the backplate that you are matching to. These will not be visible to the camera and will not directly illuminate matte objects, but they will still illuminate other objects in the scene.
✱ Note: The Matte parameter is only compatible with the Iray+ Renderer.
Emit Light From (Shape)
Dropdown: choose different light shapes:
Radius: set the size of the light shape for Disc, Sphere, and Cylinder lights.
Length: set the length of the light shape for Rectangle and Cylinder lights.
Width: set the width of Rectangle lights.
Light Distribution
Use Profile: toggle the photometric profile on or off. (Does not turn off the light.)
Map: browse your file system to locate a photometric profile.
X, Y, Z Rotation: transform the photometric light distribution relative to the light geometry. Use the 3ds Max transforms in the viewport to transform the light geometry and profile together.
Light Intensity
Intensity: increase or decrease the intensity of the light, measured in Lux or Lumens, depending on which of the following parameters is selected:
Lumens: the total amount of light emitted is independent of the size of the light source geometry. Increasing the surface area means that each part of the surface becomes dimmer, so that the sum total light emitted remains constant.
Lux this is based on Power per Unit Area. The total amount of light emitted is proportional to the surface area of the light source geometry. Increasing the surface area means that more light enters the scene.
Lighting Type: select the color temperature from a dropdown menu of preset lighting types, each with the corresponding Kelvin value:
Full Spectrum
D50 Horizon light (5003k)
D55 Mid-morning/afternoon daylight (5503k)
D65 Noon daylight (6504k)
D75 North sky daylight (7504k)
F1 Daylight fluorescent (6430k)
F2 Cool white Fluorescent (4230k)
F3 White fluorescent (3450k)
F4 Warm white Fluorescent (2940k)
F5 Daylight fluorescent (6350k)
F6 Light white fluorescent (4150k)
A Incandescent/Tungsten (2856k)
Phosphor Mercury (6800k)
Xenon (6400k
Mercury (4000k)
Quartz (3350k)
Halogen (3000k)
High pressure sodium (2200k)
Color Temperature (K): specify the color temperature directly via the Kelvin value of the light.
Filter Color: place a colored gel in front of your light source. Using a 0k or Full Spectrum value shows the chosen tint exactly. Using a different color temperature gives accurate mixing between the tint and the light color.