Iray+ Object Properties
Iray for 3ds Max uses additional Object Properties that can be found in the Iray+ Object Properties.
✱ Note: To access Iray+ Object Properties, first select object(s). In the 3ds Max Menu Bar, go to Edit > Iray+ Object Properties… or right-click in the active viewport and choose Iray+ Object Properties… from the quad menu.
Rendering Control:
- Renderable: Sets selected object(s) to appear or disappear from the rendered output.
✱ Note: When enabled, the object appears in the rendering. When disabled, the object is not visible in the rendered output.
- Visible to Camera: Sets selected object(s) to appear or disappear from the camera in the scene.
✱ Note: When enabled, the object appears in the rendering. When disabled, the object is not visible to camera rays, and only affects secondary shadow and reflection rays in the scene.
Matte Object:
Backplate Mesh:
- Enable for selected geometry: When enabled, any render environment background is mapped onto the selected object(s), creating a virtual 3D environment backplate which can produce parallax effects whilst navigating.
Backplate Mesh objects do not receive lighting or cast shadows or reflections in the scene.
Displacement Parameters:
- Max Displacement: Sets the maximum amount of displacement.
✱ Note: Surfaces will be offset by the displacement amount (positive or negative) as specified in the assigned Iray+ Material up to the Max Displacement amount. Values exceeding Max Displacement are capped at this distance.
- Method:
- Edge Length: Defines a topology independent method for tessellating a polygon. This value defines the smallest potential edge length by subdivision. Iray will stop subdividing an edge once it reaches this size.
✱ Note: Low values can lead to high tessellation and make the system unstable.
- Parametric: Sets the method to refine the displacement map to Parametric. The object’s topology is recursively subdivided to create the displacement effect. Each subdivision potentially divides a single face into four smaller faces.
✱ Note: High values can lead to high tessellation and make the system unstable.
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